Material from making poison
On reverse: 2/2/92 10:15 #36 sol dripping into muk
Bath time
On reverse: 2/2/92 10:05 #35 KC washes Rusli at the tnlor
Little girl
On reverse: 2/2/92 10:00 #34 Wab Dob d/o BC
Two girls with basket
On reverse: 2/2/92 10:00 #33 K Cnagoh (BC's wife) w/daughter - Wab Dob returning from slaay w/load of tapioca so heavy KC bends almost double
Man with child with observer
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:58
Making poison
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:50 muk = bamboo internode when green. Poison
Disposing internodes
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:45 #29 Takes internodes to dump.
Draining wok
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:46 #30 BC adjusts lib, holds sol over internode to drain
The dump
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:45 pm #28 The dump
Small child
On reverse: 2/2/92 Bah Rusli in drag
Peeling bamboo
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:42 BC begins to make sol by peeling off longitudinal strips of the 'awaad kiyul* internode he brought dook sap in. Then (in photo) holds knife to tube and scrapes shavings (-kiskos) *-saal I hob, peel its skin, cf. tajub saal, "peeled snake", a racer
Rack for holding wok
On reverse: 2/2/92 rack for holding wok
Peeled bamboo
On reverse: #24 9:40 #24 2/2/92 bamboo peeled for sol in waste area
Boiling sap
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:40++ #23 as above sap boiling briskly
Making poison
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:30+ approx. as above
Decanting poison
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:30 approx. BC decants filtered dook into lib which he has put on the fire after washing it
Cleaning wok
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:25 approx. Scrub the wok w/old sol using water from the tnlor (1/2 bamboo conduit which carries bath/wash water.
Draining poison
On reverse: 2/2/929:20 (approx.) detail of draining poison thru sol filter
Man with young child
On reverse: 2.2.92 Poison 9:06 BC and Rusli - tubes of dook behind them. The vine = cook mrikan (mikania micrantha) an almost meradicle weed in open places. The quiver holds darts to test the poison's consistency with
Man with child near poison
On reverse: Poison - 2.2.92 9:05 Tho BC tried to keep Rusli away from the poison, he kept drifting back to his dad
Detail of poison in bowl
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:04 Detail of sol, poison in lib (wok) which is never used for any other purpose
Making dart poison
On reverse: 2/2/92 9:03 BC has some arecanut while waiting for poison to drip thru sol.
Making dart poison
On reverse: 2.2.92 Dart poison 9:02am File 411. Other internodes which held/hold dook, Antiaris toxicaria, sap propped up against hillside, far left. Fire next to them for warming dook.
Making dart poison
On reverse: For sequential entry, see file 411. 2.2.92. Making dart poison 9am. BC = Beib Cnagoh. Sol pboob hi-suic. [Thru] strainer of bamboo [shavings] one cleans [the poison] into an internode
Group photo with older man and three children
On reverse: PJ Jan 92 B. Ca' yah s/o Dahduhl or Da'da, 7yrs